About Me

‘A first-time blogger who’s equipped with a head full of creative ideas and impeccable writing skills’

I believe I qualify as a CREATIVE CONTENT CREATOR. Life for me has been about making connections – whether in a classroom teaching students for the past 20 years or writing short stories for the last 14 years. It’s truly about the connect! And I do believe that this connect is what makes an effective difference. Because connection & communication is not just about what is said, it is more about HOW it is said. Given this, I would call myself an Educationist who believes in the power of words. While my Short Stories essay a slice of life with a take home for ever reader, my endeavours at Educational Content Creation are focused towards conceptual understanding which enhances the learning curve for every learner.

Life’s biggest moments are often found in small simple acts of kindness; it’s the wee-BIG things that make life so happy. There’s wisdom living life child-like and simple. And my Content aims to achieve just that – Big learning through wee small lessons.

Hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy creating these.

G. Vaijayanthi

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